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Primal-Dual Weak Galerkin FEMs for PDEs

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2019-05-31   点击数:

Title: Primal-Dual Weak Galerkin FEMs for PDEs

Keynote Speaker: Chunmei Wang


The speaker will present a recent development of Weak Galerkin (WG), called "Primal-Dual Weak Galerkin (PD-WG)", for problems for which the usual numerical methods are difficult to apply. The essential idea of PD-WG is to interpret the numerical solutions as a constrained minimization of some functionals with constraints that mimic the weak formulation of the PDEs by using weak derivatives. The resulting Euler-Lagrange equation offers a symmetric scheme involving both the primal variable and the dual variable (Lagrange multiplier). PD-WG method is applicable to several challenging problems for which existing methods may have difficulty in applying; these problems include the second order elliptic equations in nondivergence form, Fokker-Planck equation, elliptic Cauchy problems, the convection-diffusion equation and the hyperbolic equation. An abstract framework for PD-WG will be presented and discussed for its potential in other scientific applications.

Speaker Introduction:

Chunmei Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathmatics & Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Tech University


Fuzheng Gao, Professor in School of Mathematics


June 4 (Tuesday, 10:40-11:40


Hall 1042, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central Campus

Hosted by: School of Mathematics, Shandong University


地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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