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Recent results and related topics on the stability of stochastic nonlinear systems

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2019-06-24   点击数:


As is well-known, the research on stochastic nonlinear systems is an important topic in the field of stochastic analysis and control theory. In recent years, stochastic nonlinear systems have been applied to many fields of mathematics, physics, biology, engineering, finance, and economics. The stability is one of the challenging topics in the field of stochastic nonlinear systems. In this talk, we first introduce some definitions and results on stochastic stability. Then, we present our recent results and methods on this topic. Finally, we show our future research problems and directions.

Speaker Introduction:

Zhu Quanxin, Ph.D., Xiaoxiang Scholar, Distinguished Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Hunan Normal University, Senior Visiting Scholar of the Humboldt Foundation of Germany, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Computational and Stochastic Mathematics, Ministry of Education, and IEEE Senior Member. Mainly engaged in the theoretical and applied research of the stability and control of Markov process and stochastic system, made a series of important progress, and solved a number of public issues raised in international authoritative journals such as SIAM J. Control Optim. He published 140 SCI papers in the international top publications on control theory such as Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and other magazines, which have been cited by more than 2,400 SCI-based times. An SCI paper published inNonlinear Anal.: RWAwas named one of the top 25 articles in the 2012 Science Direct database. Included in the List of the World's Highly Cited Scientists in 2018 and List of Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholars during 2014-2018; and credited with the Second Prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award in 2018, the First Prize of the 2016 "Natural Science Award of Jiangsu Province Colleges and Universities", the First Prize of the 2016 "Teaching Achievement Award" in Jiangsu Province, the High-level Project of the "Six Talents Summit" in Jiangsu Province in 2017, the Training Subject of Young and Middle-aged Leaders of "Qing Lan Project" of Jiangsu Province in 2016, Nanjing Municipal Government Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions in 2015, the 4th Jiangsu Province Mathematical Achievement Award in 2014, "China's 100 Most Internationally Influential" Academic Papers in 2011, and the Second Prize of Operations Research Society of China "Youth Science and Technology Award" in 2008 and many other scientific research awards. He led 1 international project of Humboldt Fund of Germany, 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 5 provincial and ministerial level projects, and 1 key project of Provincial Education Department. He undertook one of the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China as the second participant, and acted as Editorial Board Member of 6 international publications, and as guest chief editor or editor of special issues of 4 international publications.


Chen Zhang, Professor of School of Mathematics


10:00-11:00 on June 30 (Sunday)


Hall 1032, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central Campus

Hosted by: School of Mathematics, Shandong University


地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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