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A Dynamic Mean-Variance Analysis for Log Returns

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2019-09-25   点击数:

Keynote Speaker: Dai Min


We propose a dynamic portfolio choice model with the mean-variance criterion for log-returns. The model yields time-consistent portfolio policies and is analytically tractable even under some incomplete market settings. The portfolio policies conform with conventional investment wisdom (e.g. richer people should invest more absolute amount of money in risky assets; the longer investment time horizon, the more proportional amount of money should be invested in risky assets; and for long-term investment, people should not short sell major stock indices whose returns are higher than the risk-free rate), and the model provides a direct link with the CRRA utility maximization in a complete market. This work is jointly with Hanqing Jin, Steven Kou and Yuhong Xu.

Speaker Introduction:

Dai Min (National University of Singapore)


        Chen Zengjing, professor of School of Mathematics


        16:00-17:00, September 25 (Wednesday)


Hall 1238, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central Campus

    Sponsored by: School of Mathematics, Shandong University



地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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