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The volume decomposition functionals of polytopes

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2020-10-13   点击数:

Keynote Speaker:Xiong Ge


In this talk, I will introduce our very recent work on the geometry of polytopes. We prove that the nth power of the volume functional V_n of polytopes P in R^n, according to dimensions of the spaces spanned by any n outer normal unit vectors of P, is naturally decomposed into n homogeneous polynomials with degree n. Several new sharp affine isoperimetric inequalities for these functionals are established, which essentially characterize the geometric and algebraic structures of polytopes.

Introduction to the Speaker:

Xiong Ge is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Tongji University. His main research interest lies in convex body geometry. He has solved several important open problems in convex body geometry and published more than 20 articles in internationally renowned journals of pure mathematics such as JDG, Adv. Math., JFA, CVPDE, IUMJ, IMRN, CAG, DCG, JGA. His research results have either been included in the classic teaching materials of convex body geometry, or introduced by foreign peers in academic reports, or quoted and positively evaluated by articles published in JAMS, a top international journal in mathematics.


Zhao Lilu, Professor of School of Mathematics


9:00-10:00 on October 27 (Tuesday)


Tencent Meeting, conference ID:428 490 923

Sponsored by: School of Mathematics, Shandong University


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电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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