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Fully-actuated system approach

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2021-10-21   点击数:

Lecturer: Duan Guangren

Abstract:Due to the existence of a number of physical laws such as Newton's law, Lagrange's equation, theorem of moment of momentum and Kirchhoff's voltage (current) law, the original models of various physical systems in the real world are second-order or high-order. However, in the last century, people have been used to turning these high-order systems into first-order state space models, which is divorced from the physical background to a certain extent and also increases the research difficulty of some problems. Inspired by the physical fully-actuated system, we recently propose a high-order fully-actuated system model of dynamic system and a fully-actuated system approach for nonlinear control system design. This approach can easily eliminate the nonlinearity in the system, so as to turn the control problem of the system into a corresponding linear problem. The speech gives a basic introduction to the fully-actuated system approach and explains its advantages from several aspects.

Introduction to the Lecturer:Professor Duan Guangren is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAA fellow, IEEE fellow, IET fellow, honorary director of the Control Theory and Guidance Technology Research Center, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, president of Control Science and Technology Research Institute (in preparation) of Southern University of Science and Technology, national distinguished youth scholar, Changjiang Scholar, leader of innovation team project of the Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education, leader of innovation team and major project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and leader of major contract items of a major national special basic research project. He is (was) an expert in national defense science and technology of the Science and Technology Commission of the Central Military Commission, member of the expert group of the National 863 Program, member of the first and second academic committees of the Key Laboratory of National Defense Science and Technology of the Fifth Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), member of the Information Department of the Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education, and executive director of Chinese Association of Automation. He has won two second prizes of NSFC as the first person-in-charge, the 4th China Youth Science and Technology Award, the Outstanding Contribution Award of the Professional Committee of Control Theory of Chinese Association of Automation and the title of National Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker. He has published more than 340 SCI papers and 3 English books, and his one Chinese book published wins two National Book Awards. The parametric design theory and approach of control system proposed have been successfully used by scholars at home and abroad for the control system design of spacecraft, maglev energy-storage flywheel, structural vibration system, power system, four-rotor aircraft and Chinese satellite attitude system of certain model.

Invitee:Feng Jun'e, Professor from School of Mathematics

Time:10:20-11:20, October 20 (Wednesday)

Venue:Shandong National Applied Mathematics Center (Room 411, Block A, Shanda Science and Technology Innovation City, Shanda Road)

Hosted by the School of Mathematics, Shandong University


地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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