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Expansion, divisibility and parity

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2022-03-13   点击数:

Lecturer:Harald Helfgott


We will discuss a graph that encodes the divisibility properties of integers by primes. We show that this graph is shown to have a strong local expander property almost everywhere. We then obtain several consequences in number theory, beyond the traditional parity barrier, by combining our result with Matomaki-Radziwill. For instance: forthe Liouville function (that is, the completely multiplicative function withfor every prime),

which is stronger than well-known results by Tao and Tao-Teravainen. We also manage to prove, for example, thataverages to 0 at almost all scales whenrestricted to have a specific number of prime divisors, for any "popular" value of(that is,for).

Introduction to the Lecturer:

Harald Helfgott, Humboldt-Professur of Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, Researcher of CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France; Winner of a series of awards, including Leverhulme Award, Whitehead Award and Adams Award, etc., giving a complete proof of Weak Goldbach Conjecture in 2013; Invited Reporter of ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) in 2014, and Elected Fellow of American Mathematical Society in 2019.


LIU Jianya MENG Xianchang


20:00-22:00, March 30 (Wednesday)


Tencent Rooms ID: 965-071-968

Sponsor: Mathematics School of Shandong University


地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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